7 Crazy Ways Video Game Pirates Were Punished By Developers

Did you know that it takes a whole team of developers working hours on end to make just one fully working, (majorly) error-free video game? Designers build up an entire ecosystem of the game from scratch, creating scenery, characters, and storyline. Coders spend hours writing thousands of lines of code to design a smooth game, and designers ensure that graphics give as realistically immersive an experience as possible.

So, when you have video game pirates who try to cheat and hack their way through a game, developers can get very angry — and rightly so — which is why some video game developers have come up with the most hilarious and creative ways of exacting revenge.

#VideoGames #Developers #Players

Living on the edge | 0:00
Total terror | 2:19
For the birds | 3:00
Manual insertion | 4:17
Memory loss | 5:15
What a shame | 6:01
Oh, the irony | 6:40

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