Anti-Piracy Screens Are Unnerving. But, why?

Anti-piracy screens were a pretty popular trend on YouTube around a year ago. I’ve been interested in them since then, and today I’ve decided to dive into why exactly they’re so unnerving. Of course this is inspired by izzzyzzz and pixels after dark.

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Videos Used:
Anti-Piracy Screen Games (the first video in the compilation):
Donkey Kong Country 3 – Error Game Screen:
Super Mario All-Stars (SNES): Anti-piracy screen regional differences (Loading Mario 2 /w 1180508F):
Baldi’s Basics Kickstarter Anti Piracy/Error Screen:
Nickelodeon Anti-Piracy Warning Screen (ULTRA RARE!):
Nintendo GameCube Anti-Piracy Error:
Sonic The Hedgehog (1991) “Secret Anti-Piracy Screen”:
Super Mario Kart Anti-Piracy Screen:

Songs Used:
Earthbound – One Fateful Night:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 8 PM:
Yume 2kki – Forest:
Yume 2kki – Flesh Paths World: Passage:
Yume 2kki – Overgrown City (City Section):

#creepy #disturbing #scary #creepygame

Much like Nexpo, Scaretheater, izzzyzzz, pixels after dark, and others, I’ll be covering some extremely creepy game content! I hope you enjoy.