Episode 167 – Devs Say “Pirate Games Instead of Buying on G2A”

Developers have gone to war with G2A once more. A number on Twitter asked that people pirate their games instead of buying them on the key reseller site. With James absent Thomas is allowed to go on an extended rant about mobile cell coverage and we see if the listeners can come up with quiz idea for us.

Survey for game streaming interest (gamesindustry.biz): 
The joke article about gaming revenue (marketwatch.com): 

It’s also worth noting that since this episode aired G2A released a statement this afternoon detailing their intentions to correct the reputation and prove the recent accusations as false. The full post is available here:

Thanks to:
James Hargreaves of DeeJayOne for our outro remix of the main theme
Rob Harrison of Gamma Radio for “Time To Play A Game” 

That King Thing Gaming Podcast (TKT) is Thomas King, Joshua King and James King. Three lifelong gamers who discuss weekly gaming news, games in general and challenge each others knowledge. From xbox to Playstation and Nintendo to PC, join the King brothers for comedy and laughs in the gaming world.

Gaming | Gamers | Microsoft | Xbox | Xbone | Sony | Playstation | PS4 | Nintendo | Switch | PC | G2A | Pirate | Piracy | Google Stadia | xCloud | Remedy Games | Alan Wake | Max Payne | Detroit | Become Human | PES2019 | PES | PS+ | Shadow of War
