The Game Pirate takes on the DLC Ninja in a battle to the death. But who will win – and what side are YOU on?
Click here to watch the version where The GAME PIRATE wins!!!
Written by: Jon Etheridge (Appsro)
Storyboards: Jon Etheridge (Appsro)
Animated by: MyFuckingMess (Gregory Guibert)
Produced by: Tom Jenkins for Mashed
Voice of Pirate: Nate Panning (Doraleous)
Voice of Ninja: Jon ‘Overt Racist Accent’ Etheridge (Appsro)
Voice of BusinessMan: Tony Schnur (Thick44)
Voice of Fat Businessman: Brent Triplett (Neebs)
Voice of MastHumper: Bryan Mahoney (Simon)
Voice of EyeOrgasmGuy: Jon Etheridge (Appsro)
Voice of Pirate Crewman: Bryan Mahoney (Simon)
Voice of Gaben: Jon Etheridge (Appsro)
Sound design by: Jon Etheridge (Appsro)
Music by: Jay Man
Music Tracks used: ‘Lions Roar’ ‘SeaTravels’ ‘SeasAtWar’
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if we cut out some parts of this video, the viewers will hit the like button before the video is even rereased.
Why are the pirates on a Chinese ship?
Love it
Most games ended up being copy and paste of their predecessor or even more bland, copy and past of other developers work. No one is willing to takes risks with new ideas and i'm not willing to pay for the ever same nonsense that already got boring half way through their first game. In fact i'm not even willing to pirate their nonsense because it's simply a waste of space on my harddrive.
The whole dlc nonsens is just the cherry on top that turned me from a hardcore gamer into someone who just wants to have a game that is made for the customer to enjoy and not for the developer to haul in money. Sure they have to make a living but they could do that by simply delivering what the customers ask for.
Games haven't been the same price. it started at 40$ on ps1, and went up 10$ each gen till today's 70$
a VERY legit explanation.
I didn't know neebs' name until this video( description)
WRONG, we have NOT been paying the same price, with every new console release, they've upped the price with 10 euros/dollars..
The gaming industry has gone to shit……49.99 ahhhh the good old days free dlc.
This was so real.
the ninja reminds me of the ninja in the original dragonball series
So every game comes with the cost of all your workers except that one….. Weird orgasms
This is the best thing ever.
Great video, bit to much gore for the theme if you ask me….
Never had an issue with graphics myself, sure Final Fantasy 7 looks kinda bad now, but Halo 2 and Command and Conquer 95 look fine still imo ofc (random examples). Take another game, Destiny. So if that did cost too much to develop i would of happily paid £100 for it, provided the game was released with all the content on a single or multiple disk, was tested b(eta feedback was used) and content wasn't cut from it. There's still content from that game which will never be released supposedly. Take Duke Nukem Forever and Colonial Marines, the footage showed wasn't even the same as in game. The "cost of games going up" argument falls extremely flat now. Your move Ninja.
BETHESDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why you do us rike dis?
I wish i could like twice as much
Holy! This is amazing
Fucking love this
Good point
RIP Neebs crew
Awesome guys
Simon's real name is Bryan? And Neebs is Brent?!? What the hell?!?
That was…..Awesome! and very true great work guys.
I honestly don't care about graphics, Spyro the Dragon is my favorite game ever and it looks like a wonderful mess.
That DLC ninja is a dick. I'd pay 500 if it were a good game. Hell, i've paid more than that for skins and items on free games.
ahh jokes on video game sales
I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I peed a little, and I thought deeply about some hot issues. Thanks guys, for making me feel
Good story, almost everyone dies !
Pirate vs ninjas sounds good and…
Oh my god, that accent. So good.
Well….there are always more gamers that buy games… it actually should'nt be aproblem….
Great job guys!!!! Loved the video!!! Keep it up
I'm so confricted!
Enjoyed Doralingus and Friends; Especially the Lady in the Lake. This video not so much. I know you guys like animation, despite how much more work it takes, but I liked your pickup line video 10 times more than this one. More Doraleous please.
Seen both vids…kinda leaning toward Pirate. I'm a bit of an anti-corporatist, so to me, your profits come secondary to my satisfaction as a customer. If you make a product that is good, and that you are confident people will enjoy (you have QA testers, right? Ask them for their feedback more often, rather than pay for focus groups) then put out a demo. Let us decide if a game is worth the price or not. If you put out good content, you won't need to worry about money. As I'm sure you've noticed, people, even poor people like me, are still willing to put out money for good games. But still, that should be for us to decide, not for you to trick us with pre-order bonuses, misleading trailers, and micro-transactions.
First thing that comes to mind for me is Destiny lmao. I'm on the ninjas side bc everything about this video is very true. I will be going to college for game design in the fall. That being said for new titles where you don't know for sure if it will do well, you want to have that "backup" or "fall back" plan. If you made money during preorders then if the game sucks you have a head start to make the next game better. I don't however agree for already known and big titles such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Metal Gear, Mortal Kombat and so on. The reason why these companies don't need to charge for dlc's (basically the full game if comparing to Destiny) is bc they are already well known and make money off older games where as Destiny was a new title and Bungie is also new to the PSN community so of course they want to make that extra buck just in case shit hits the fan.
activition= DLC ninja
Destiny much
Rip pirate bay
changed the way i look at DLCs
PC gamers are going to kill us all
ya um i was fine with the graphics in battlefront 2 and I can't run BATTLEFRONT on my old computer.
doraleous is the game pirate?
dlc ninja has a great point