Top 20 Ship and Pirate Games on PC

Hi, high-quality games about seafaring and ship battles with engaging gameplay are hard to find today. It’s surprising that there are so few games that offer these experiences. However, some worthy titles do exist. In this video, I will talk about the best ones.


0:00 Skull and Bones
0:29 The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt
1:08 Age of Water
2:09 Sea of Thieves
2:57 Salt 2: Shores of Gold
3:40 Sail Forth
4:40 Horizon’s Gate
5:26 Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail
5:59 Atlantic Fleet
6:38 Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
7:26 Blackwake
8:07 Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag
8:49 Assassin’s Creed Rogue
9:33 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
10:20 Naval Action
10:57 Blazing Sails
11:40 Cold Waters
12:19 Man O’ War: Corsair – Warhammer Naval Battles
13:06 ATLAS