Video Game Anti-Piracy Screens

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#shorts #videogames #games #piracy #antipiracyscreen #illegal #nintendo #education #sambucha


  1. The end “so stay legal” the Mexicans 😥(I’m Mexican)

  2. Ima pirate what i want.. if its in game obviously

  3. I want someone to make a game with anti-piracy screens like these, it would be so funny

  4. Why do people pirate games in the first place, what does it give them?

  5. Piracy is not illegal, i repeat piracy is not illegal because it is only for old consoles or offline games

  6. Sorry to break it to everyone but most of them are fake

  7. How does the game know it's pirated?

  8. "I love spreading misinformation"

  9. There’s no such thing as an anti piracy screen guys it’s made up to scare kids into paying for games. 🥰

  10. thank goodness totk doenst have one of those

  11. Okay, Pokemon platinums would just scare a kid to never play paltinum again


  13. Fun fact: Mario Party DS has a few ways to trigger the anti-piracy screen:
    Just at random times
    Monty's shop
    Bowser gives you thwomp no matter what
    Shy guy eats you
    The rocket doesn't take off
    You lose to DJ Hallyboo

  14. the sonic one just looks like some sonic.exe creepypasta video lol can someone confirm if its real or not

  15. The first one is sad its wants you to turn in your console😂

  16. Are these the same PoS companies who force you to get a digital version/ no hard copy so you effectively own nothing? If so, then they should be pirated… screw these garbage companies

  17. If i like a game, it shall be pirated

  18. Sam is the type of guy to believe everything he's told on the internet

  19. I feel like killing off your nintendogs is too far, I know that it’s a piracy thing, but seriously

  20. In case a scared child watches this: Peace of mind, they are all false

  21. someone didnt do their research

  22. I am pretty sure most of these are fake. the only believable one is the first

  23. Through emulation there is one creed; “piracy shall reign”

  24. I, Jonny RaZer herby do solemnly swear that neither count chocula, fruit brute nor yummy mummy will never be added to hit 2017 game Fortnite

  25. I, Jonny RaZer herby do solemnly swear that neither count chocula, fruit brute nor yummy mummy will never be added to hit 2017 game Fortnite

  26. Sambucha the kinda guy to believe a fake anti piracy screen video created by children

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